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 language coaching

I currently coach advanced English speakers online to help them perfect their oral and written communication. Real-world materials such as articles, literature, films, videos, podcasts, art, music, or students' own writing form an essential part of the class. 


I have worked with college students, MA and PhD students, and professionals working in environmental affairs. I sometimes do live, online editing with my students so they can learn why I make the choices I do. Contact me for more information today!


My past teaching experience includes university classes on language, literature, and writing. We analyzed a wide range of literature by discussing content, style, and structure along with issues of race, gender, and class. As a scholar of religion, I also aided students in detecting underlying religious aspects in texts. With my guidance, my college students learned to write excellent research papers!


Presentation in the Burgoa.png

University courses taught

Success Starts Here

First-year experience college success course. Writing and research. Citation. Textual analysis.

Second-Year Spanish

First and second semester of the second year. Oral and written communication. Culture.

Introduction to the Hebrew Bible

Introductory course with attention to literary, cultural, philological, and historical aspects. (associate instructor)

So, You're Undecided?

First-year experience. Assessment of core values and career goals. Readings on mindset and work ethic.

Introduction to Religion: Theories and Interpretations

Foundational and contemporary theories in religious studies and scholarly thought. (associate instructor)

Writing the World

English composition. Textual analysis of classic and contemporary literature. Research. Academic integrity.

English as a Second Language

Multiple levels of ESL at Mexican universities. Oral and written communication.

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